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Noclassfound error while connecting to some customer connector (similar like AWS)

  • May 5, 2023
  • 1 reply

While Creating connection with one of the customized cloud connector in Control HUB (same like AWS), we are facing issues like 

  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain

They have created some custom libraries and put it into the external folder, it is working fine in some other envrionment.. we have checked the java version was different which is 11_0_19 at our end but it was 1_8_ on other envrionment but even after installing 1.8 the error didn’t go away. Please help


1 reply

StreamSets Employee
  • StreamSets Employee
  • 101 replies
  • May 5, 2023

Hello @kushal_upadhyay - Thank you for reaching out to the StreamSets Community.

Did you uploaded the custom jar’s to the data collector? Could you please compare the both the data collector external library SDC UI» Package Manager » External Libraries section.
