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Error for Kafka Connection using aws secret manager as credential store

if i create a kafka connection using simple string then it works.. 

but if i create connection with these pramaters..

${str:concat(str:concat(str:concat(" required username='", credential:get("aws", "", "MyStreamsetsSecret&kafka_username")), str:concat("' password='", credential:get("aws", "", "MyStreamsetsSecret&kafka_password"))), "';")}


then i am getting an below error if i test a connection  

  • KAFKA_67 - Error connecting to Kafka Brokers 'org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to create new KafkaAdminClient'

2 replies



just try this expression language statement temporarily in Expression Evaluator and see if it bring the correct string. With so many brackets it can always go wrong. I have in past spent hours trying to see why it doesnt work but when i get the string created, it makes it obvious.

  • Author
  • Fan
  • 1 reply
  • May 18, 2023
Output Expression
expression language statement

@saleempothiwala  checked in expression evaluator, its generating correct string. if we put this output_string in kafka connection, it works. But when tried with similar expression language statement in kafka_connection, getting same error.
