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Control the number of email alerts per job failure.



When the job gets failed, we get many number of email alerts.Below is the subscription set at our end.

We have also tried changing the subscription to “max global fail over retries” but it does not give actual error message and gives a generic error,

{{"FROM_STATUS":"INACTIVE", "TO_COLOR":"RED", "TO_STATUS":"INACTIVE", "ERROR_MESSAGE":"Job is inactive due to global failover retries exhausted." } }

Can we control the number of email alerts with getting actual error message.



We can control the email alert by setting below subscription where we will get only 1-2 email alert when either jobs gives any error or exception and also can capture actual error message.

${TO_STATUS=="INACTIVE" && TO_COLOR=="RED" && str:contains(ERROR_MESSAGE,"RUN_ERROR") || str:contains(ERROR_MESSAGE,"exception")}



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