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Databricks Transformer

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now i am working in streamsets data-ops transformer platform. i try to connect databricks cluster in streamsets. But i facing some issues.



JOBRUNNER_63 - Pipeline status: 'START_ERROR', message: 'Failed to start pipeline, check logs for error. The Transformer Spark application in the Spark cluster might not be able to reach Transformer at ‘http://661f1312d1e9:19630’. If this is not the correct URL, update the transformer.base.http.url property in the Transformer configuration file or define a cluster callback URL for the pipeline and restart Transformer.'

START_ERROR: Failed to start pipeline, check logs for error. The Transformer Spark application in the Spark cluster might not be able to reach Transformer at ‘http://661f1312d1e9:19630’. If this is not the correct URL, update the transformer.base.http.url property in the Transformer configuration file or define a cluster callback URL for the pipeline and restart Transformer.


how to clear this error? and how to connect the cluster to the transformer


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