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How to connect to MonetDB using SDC JDBC origin

  • November 26, 2021
  • 0 replies

StreamSets Employee


Steps to set up a test MonetDB instance and sample pipeline to connect to MonetDB using streamsets JDBC origin


Install MonetDB in OSX :

MonetDB Download Area for Mac OS X
This directory contains archived binaries for various versions of OS X. Before you install the package check the release notes to determine if a dump/restore action is required on your database. All commands on this page should be executed as superuser (root). You may be able to add sudo in front of every command, or else run SU first.

There are multiple ways to install the latest release of MonetDB on OS X.

From Archive
First download the latest released version on MonetDB from the link below. Make sure you pick the right one for your architecture.

Unpack the archive in a location of your discretion.

tar xf <filename>

Next, you can link the usr/local/monetdb directory from the archive to your /usr/local/monetdb. The archive comes prebuilt for the selected platform and has a directory structure mimicking the location where it should generally be installed: /usr/local/monetdb.

ln -s usr/local/monetdb /usr/local/monetdb

Finally make sure to add the MonetDB bin directory to your PATH in your shell config (.profile or .bash_rc):

export PATH=/usr/local/monetdb/bin:$PATH

From Homebrew

First, install Xcode Command Line tools. To do that run the following command in Terminal:

xcode-select --install

Next you will need to install Homebrew. More information on Homebrew is available here.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Finally install MonetDB from the formula on the Homebrew repository. Homebrew will download the latest released version (along with any dependencies), configure it for your system and build it.

brew install monetdb

If you want to install additional MonetDB modules, you can pass them as parameters when running brew install. Homebrew will then install the required dependencies and configure build the specified MonetDB modules on your system. For example, running the command below will install MonetDB and most additional modules with dependencies currently available via Homebrew.

brew install monetdb --with-cfitsio --with-geos --with-libsphinxclient --with-r

Refer to attachment MonetDBInstallCommandOutput.txt for commands and output.

Links to download MonetDB Client jars

Here are the 3 external jar JDBC libraries i uploaded from link

monetdb-mcl-1.18.jre7.jar   MonetDB Communication Librarymonetdb-jdbc-2.29.jre7.jar  The MonetDB JDBC driverjdbcclient.jre7.jar A convenience jar of JDBC plus the JdbcClient utility.

Here is the connect string i used and I was able to connect to MonetDB Demo database


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