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Is it possible to use Regex in attribute name?

  • 23 November 2022
  • 4 replies


Can I use regex patterns to filter records based on a field name pattern? Or use them in Field Type converter? 

For example: If a record has field names containing “cost” in them e.g. “Average Cost for two”, “Cost range”, “Parking Costs” etc. I want to send these records to a certain destination? 

Or if the field names including “cost” in them, use field type converter to convert the values to integer.

I did not find any specific information on this in Docs. Played around with a few patterns. But even if some passed validation, they failed in preview. 




4 replies

Userlevel 3

Hey Dhanashri,


The str:contains function should allow you to do this. Give it a shot. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1



please try the condition in StreamSets collector.


${str:contains(record:value('/f1'),'Cost') || str:contains(record:value('/f1'),'cost')}

Userlevel 5
Badge +1


Kindly close the question if the solution helped you on resolving the issue.


Thanks & Regards


Hello @Bikram @dima thanks for your inputs.

Unfortunately I have run out of lab time, so could not try this out. Closing the question for now.  

